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Make Client Accounting Services A Win-Win

Today, it’s more important than ever for small business owners to focus their attention on sustaining and growing their businesses. For most SMB owners, managing accounting functions is simply a distraction from what they need and love to do. And few small businesses use accounting tools proactively to better manage their business finances.

And you know well the consequences for you and your clients. You spend a significant amount of your time fixing the bookkeeping errors that clients make, and perhaps more alarmingly, your clients using DIY (Do-It-Yourself) accounting systems limits your ability to provide them with timely strategic insights based on their financial situation. In these challenging times, your clients need the very best advice you can provide, but their choice of software can limit your ability to do so.

In short, the current situation creates pain for both you and your clients.

In this ebook, you'll learn:

● Why DIY accounting systems created for small businesses cause undue pain for both small business owners and for accountants 

● How Client Accounting Services  can not only eliminate that pain, but  also open up new opportunities for accountants to better serve their clients

● Eight features to look for in a professional accounting system to ensure CAS success

"We’ve achieved 75% revenue growth in the past 5 years – without increasing our number of clients. The key is that, thanks to better software and processes, we’re more responsive to the needs of our clients, regardless of their situation."
– Steven Brewer, CPA

How CAS strengthens client relationships and your firm’s bottom line

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