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Client accounting services (CAS) is more than just outsourced bookkeeping. It is a broader set of services, united by one overarching mission: to be able to provide your small-business clients with the customized set of services and timely insights they need to be more successful.

In this ebook, we will:

 Learn more about the benefits of offering CAS to your clients

● Highlight best practices around presenting CAS to clients who might be unfamiliar with it

 Show how AccountantsWorld can help simplify the entire CAS process with Accounting Power®

 Explore five common objections your clients may have - and how to overcome them

The underlying goal is always to make CAS a win-win for your firm and your clients.

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How to Offer CAS

to Your Clients

Where I think Accounting Power really shines though is the focus on designing this software for Client Accounting Services (CAS). We agree that this is an extremely important new revenue source to go after and their software was built for it.
Scott Nashland, CPA
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